News / Media

American Society for Microbiology Presentation
Expectations of chemical decontamination measures for medical instrumentation and surfaces in hospitals have been eroded by accumulating evidence that certain commonly used formulations are not rel...
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2021 OSAP Conference: Organization for Safety Asepsis Prevention
Briotech Chief Science Officer, Jeff Williams, PhD, BVSc, MRCVS, and Professor Lori Robins, PhD, Dept. of Physical Sciences at UW, present breakthrough findings on Hypochlorous Acid and Oral Health...
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Briotech Chief Science Officer, Guest Speaker on Infinite Health Webinar
Dr. Jeff Williams explains, " realize you can visualize its use across the board in so many different areas of health. That creates a vision, and that's the vision for the company that we hav...
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Briotech, UW Bothell, & PennState Present HPV & Oropharyngeal Cancer Research
Results: HOCl treatment contact times generally and quickly produced >99.99% reduction in infectivity of HPV16 and HPV18, comparable to the efficacy of 0.87% sodium hypochlorite. Exposure of cel...
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PennState Presents the Effectiveness of BrioHOCl™ Against HPV — Geneva, Switzerland
Dr. Craig Meyers, PennState Cancer Institute, presents an HPV abstract on the results of efficacy testing of BrioHOCl™ against high-risk HPV16 and HPV18 at the 5th Annual ICPIC.
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Prion Presentation at the International Conference on Prevention & Infection Control
International convergence assembled to disseminate information surrounding clinical updates and training, health services and policy, education, and developments from around the world.
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An Invitation From The International Foundation for Dermatology
"The combination of an effective clearance of microbes, rapid healing, and restoration of normal flora may account for the calming effects and relief from irritation of skin that so many routine us...
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Briotech Webinar with Dr. Christine Schaffner
“So today, at the end of the hour, I hope everyone has a firm enough grip to be able to make some informed decisions about the substance (HOCl) and the way that you might be able to use it to advan...
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NIH Presents Investigation Results of BrioHOCl™ Against Prions
"The benefit of these solutions is that they can be applied directly to the skin, and the CEO of the company famously likes to spray it on his skin, or stand in buckets of this, to illustrate reall...
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BrioHOCl™ Presents at the 18th International Congress on Infectious Diseases
Briotech receives an invitation from the ISID to present BrioHOCl™ on an international stage for infectious diseases.
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