Lambert House
June 30, 2018
Seattle, Washington
Just as important as Brio's charitable mission are the causes and charities that are near and dear to our employees. To honor our employees, in part with our Be Kind program, a portion of all Briotech's sales are donated to charities of their choosing.
This quarter's employee choice is the Lambert House; Seattle and King County's LGBTQ+ youth community center, offering empowerment through the development of leadership, social, and life skills. Lambert House offers LGBTQ youth over 30 different annual and ongoing programs, activities, resources, and services.
Since 1981, the Lambert House LGBTQ+ Youth Center has cared for, championed, and celebrated over 15,000 individual minors and young adults. Lambert House is the only social service agency in Seattle and King County dedicated solely to LGBTQ+ youth. With five locations in King County and 19 online programs, Lambert House also serves LGBTQ+ youth from throughout the USA and internationally.
Donate to Lambert House