Briotech Teams Up With S5 Solutions to Make a WHISH
Briotech partners with the S5 Solutions engineering team for assistance with software development for Briotech's cloud-enabled WHISH Systems to advance production for global distribution.
Briotech's World HOCl Initiative for Sustainable Health, WHISH®, is a distributed manufacturing network of geographically dispersed WHISH Systems that circumvent global supply chain issues to bring local production of pure BrioHOCl™ to all parts of the world.
S5 Solutions, Engineering Creative Solutions
December 16, 2020
S5 Solutions Helped Create an HOCl Production Control System for COVID-19 Disinfection
The pandemic has brought many players into coordination to make a positive impact globally, and S5 Solutions client Briotech is one. Already manufacturing natural liquid-based skin products, Washington-based Briotech made a quick shift in 2020 into manufacturing commercial liquid disinfectant dispensers using organic, nontoxic and food-safe ingredients. Composed of salt, water and Hypochlorous (HOCl), Briotech HOCl unlike bleach, ammonias, and alcohol, is non-irritating for skin or lungs, nonflammable and requires no Personal Protective Equipment to use.
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